--方頭螺栓 C級UDC 621.882.6 | GB 8-88 | 代替 GB8-76Square head bolts-Product grade C |
--沉頭方頸螺栓GB 10-2013 | 代替 GB10-1988Countersunk head square neck bolts |
--沉頭帶榫螺栓GB 11-2013 | 代替 GB11-1988Countersunk head nib bolts |
--圓頭方頸螺栓GB 12-2013 | 代替 GB12-1988Cup head square neck bolts |
--圓頭帶榫螺栓GB 13-2013 | 代替 GB13-1988Cup head nib bolts |
--扁圓頭方頸螺栓GB 14-2013 | 代替 GB14-1998Mushroom head square neck bolts |
--扁圓頭帶榫螺栓GB 15-2013 | 代替 GB15-1988Mushroom head nib bolts |
--六角頭加強桿螺栓GB 27-2013 | 代替 GB27-1988Hexagon fit shank bolts |
--六角頭螺桿帶孔加強桿螺栓GB 28-2013 | 代替 GB28-1988Hexagon fit shank bolts with split pin hole on shank |
--六角頭帶槽螺栓GB /T 29.1-2013 | 代替 GB/T 29.1-1988Hexagon bolts with slot on head |
--六角頭帶十字槽螺栓GB /T 29.2-2013 | 代替 GB/T 29.2-1988Hexagon bolts with cross recess on head |
--六角頭螺桿帶孔螺栓GB /T 31.1-2013 | 代替 GB/T 31.1-1988Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank |
--六角頭螺桿帶孔螺栓 細桿 B級UDC 621.882.6 | GB 31.2-88 | 代替 GB31-76, 23-76, 24-76Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank-reduced shank-product grade B |
--六角頭螺桿帶孔螺栓 細牙 A和B級UDC 621.882.6 | GB 31.3-88 | 代替 GB31-76, 23-76, 24-76Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank-fine pitch thread-product grade A and B |
--六角頭頭部帶孔螺栓 A級和B級UDC 621.882.6 | GB 32.1-88 | 代替 GB32-76,25-76,26-76Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head - product grade A and B |
--六角頭頭部帶孔螺栓 細桿 B級UDC 621.882.6 | GB 32.2-88 | 代替 GB32-76,25-76,26-76Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head-reduced shank-product grade B |
--六角頭頭部帶孔螺栓 細牙 A和B級UDC 621.882.6 | GB 32.3-88 | 代替 GB32-76,25-76,26-76Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head -fine pitch thread-product grade A and B |
--小方頭螺栓GB /T 35-2013 | 代替 GB/T 35-1988Square head bolts with small head |
--T 形槽用螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 37-88 | 代替 GB37-76Bolts for T-Slot |
--加強半圓頭方頸螺栓GB /T 794-93 | 代替 GB/T 794-67Strengthened cap head square neck bolts |
--活節(jié)螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 798-88 | 代替 GB798-76Eye bolts |
--地腳螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 799-88 | 代替 GB799-76Eyelet bolts |
--沉頭雙榫螺栓UDC 621.882.6 | GB 800-88 | 代替 GB800-77Flat countersunk double nib bolts |
--小半圓頭低方頸螺栓 B級ISO 8678:1988 | GB /T 801-1988 | 代替 GB801-88Cup head square neck bolts with small head and short neck - Product grade B |
--六角法蘭面螺栓-加大系列-B級UDC 621.882.6 | GB 5789-86 |Hexagon flange bolts -Heavy series-Product grade B |
--六角法蘭面螺栓-加大系列-細桿-B級UDC 621.882.6 | GB 5790-86 |Hexagon flat bolts-Heavy series-Product grade B |
--六角法蘭面螺栓-小系列GB /T 16674.1-2016 | 代替 GB/T 16674.1-2004Hexagon bolts with flange - Small series |
--六角法蘭面螺栓-細牙-小系列ISO 15072:2012 | GB /T 16674.2-2016 | 代替 GB/T 16674.2-2004Hexagon bolts with flange-Fine pitch thread-Small series |
--鋼網(wǎng)架螺栓球節(jié)點用高強度螺栓GB /T 16939-2016 | 代替 GB/T 16939-1997High strength bolts for joints of space grid structures |
--六角花形法蘭面螺栓GB /T 35481-2017 |Hexalobular bolts with flange |
--焊接六角螺母GB /T 13681-92 |Hexagon weld nuts |
--雙頭螺柱 bm=1dUDC 621.882.6 | GB 897-88 | 代替 GB897-76Double end studs -bm=1d |
--雙頭螺柱 bm=1.5dUDC 621.882 | GB 899-88 | 代替 GB899-76Double end studs -bm=1.5d |
--雙頭螺柱 bm=2dUDC 621.882 | GB 900-88 |Double end studs -bm=2d |
--等長雙頭螺柱 B級UDC 621.882 | GB 901-88 | 代替 GB901-76Double end studs(clamping type) product grade B |
--手工焊用焊接螺柱GB /T 902.1-2008 | 代替 GB/T 902.1-1989Weld studs for manual welding |
--電弧螺柱焊用焊接螺柱ISO 13918:2008 | GB /T 902.2-2010 | 代替 GB/T 902.2-1989Threaded studs for drawn arc stud welding with ceramic ferrule |
--方螺母-C級UDC 621.882.3 | GB 39-88 | 代替 GB39-76Square nuts-product grade C |
--1 型六角螺母C級ISO 4034:2012 | GB /T 41-2016 | 代替 GB/T 41-2000Hexagon nuts, style 1-products grade C |
--六角厚螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 56-88 | 代替 GB56-76Hexagon thick nuts |
--蝶形螺母 方翼GB /T 62.2-2004 |Wing nuts-Square wing |
--蝶形螺母 沖壓GB /T 62.2-2004 |Wing nuts-Pressing wing |
--蝶形螺母 壓鑄GB /T 62.4-2004 |Wing nuts-Die-Casting wing |
--環(huán)形螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 63-88 | 代替 GB63-76Lifting nuts |
--組合式蓋形螺母GB /T 802.1-2008 | 代替 GB/T 802-1988Acorn nuts-Assembling type |
--非金屬嵌件六角鎖緊蓋形螺母 焊接型GB /T 802.5-2009 |Prevailing torque type hexagon acorn nuts with non-metallic insert-Welding type |
--球面六角螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 804-88 | 代替 GB804-76Hexagon nuts with raised face |
--扣緊螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 805-88 | 代替 GB805-76Tight nuts |
--滾花高螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 806-88 | 代替 GB806-76Knurled nuts with collar |
--小六角特扁細牙螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 808-88 | 代替 GB808-76Small hexagon thin nuts-fine pitch thread |
--嵌裝圓螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 809-88 | 代替 GB809-76Insert round nuts |
--小圓螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 810-88 | 代替 GB810-76Small round nuts |
--圓螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 812-88 | 代替 GB812-76Round nuts |
--端面帶孔圓螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 815-88 | 代替 GB815-76Round nuts with drilled holes in one face |
--帶槽圓螺母UDC 621.882.3 | GB 817-88 | 代替 GB817-76Slotted round nuts |
--1型非嵌件六角鎖緊螺母ISO 7040:2012 | GB /T 889.1-2015 | 代替 GB/T 889.1-2000Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert),style 1 |
--1型非金屬嵌件六角鎖緊螺母 細牙ISO 10512:2012 | GB /T 889.2-2016 | 代替 GB/T 889.2-2000Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert), style1- Fine pitch thread |
--六角蓋形螺母GB /T 923-2009 | 代替 GB/T 923-1988Acorn hexagon nuts |
--1 型六角螺母ISO 4032:2012 | GB /T 6170-2015 | 代替 GB/T 6170-2000Hexagon nuts, style 1 |
--1 型六角螺母 細牙ISO 8673:2012 | GB /T 6171-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6171-2000Hexagon nuts, style 1- Fine pitch thread |
--六角薄螺母ISO 4035:2012 | GB /T 6172.1-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6172.1-2000Hexagon thin nuts (chamfered) |
--非金屬嵌件六角鎖緊薄螺母ISO 10511:2012 | GB /T 6172.2-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6172.2-2000Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts (with non-metallic insert) |
--六角薄螺母 細牙ISO 8675:2012 | GB /T 6173-2015 | 代替 GB/T 6173-2000Hexagon thin nuts-fine pitch thread |
--六角薄螺母 無倒角ISO 4036:2016 | GB /T 6174-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6174-2000Hexagon thin nuts - unchamfered |
--2 型六角螺母ISO 4033:2012 | GB /T 6175-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6175-2000Hexagon nuts, style 2 |
--2 型六角螺母 細牙ISO 8674:2012 | GB /T 6176-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6176-2000Hexagon nuts, style 2 -Fine pitch thread |
--2型六角法蘭面螺母ISO 4161:2012 | GB /T 6177.1-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6177.1-2000Hexagon nuts with flange, style 2 |
--2型六角法蘭面螺母 細牙ISO 10663:2012 | GB /T 6172.1-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6172.1-2000Hexagon nuts with flange, style 2-Fine pitch thread |
--1型六角開槽螺母-C級UDC 621.882.3 | GB 6179-86 | 代替 GB57-58-76Hexagon slotted nuts,style 1-Product grade C |
--2型六角開槽螺母-A和B級UDC 621.882.3 | GB 6180-86 |Hexagon slotted and castle nuts, style 2,product grades A and B |
--六角開槽薄螺母-A和B級UDC 621.882.3 | GB 6181-86 | 代替 GB59-60-76Hexagon thin slotted nuts - product grades A and B |
--2 型非金屬嵌件六角鎖緊螺母ISO 7041:2012 | GB /T 6182-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6182-2010Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert)-style 2 |
--2型非金屬嵌件六角法蘭面鎖緊螺母ISO 7043:2012 | GB /T 6183.1-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6183.1-2000Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange (with non-metallic insert)-style 2 |
--2 型非金屬嵌件六角法蘭面鎖緊螺母 細牙GB /T 6183.2-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6183.2-2000Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange (with non-metallic insert)-style 2, fine pitch thread |
--1 型全金屬六角鎖緊螺母ISO 7719:1997 | GB /T 6184-2000 | 代替 GB/T 6184-1986Prevailing torque type all - metal hexagon nuts, style 1 |
--2型全金屬六角鎖緊螺母ISO 7042:2012 | GB /T 6185.1-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6185.1-2000Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts, style 2 |
--2 型全金屬六角鎖緊螺母 細牙ISO 10513:2012 | GB /T 6185.2-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6185.2-2000Prevailing torque type all metal hexagon nuts, style 2 - fine pitch thread |
--2 型全金屬六角法蘭面鎖緊螺母ISO 7044:2012 | GB /T 6187.1-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6187.1-2000Prevailing torque type all metal hexagon nuts with flange, style 2 |
--2 型全金屬六角法蘭面鎖緊螺母,細牙GB /T 6187.2-2016 | 代替 GB/T 6187.2-2000Prevailing torque type all metal hexagon nuts with flange, style 2,fine pitch thread |
--1型六角開槽螺母 細牙 A級和B級UDC 621.882.3 | GB 9457-88 | 代替 GB57-76, 58-76Hexagon slotted and castle nuts, style 1-fine pitch thread, product grades A and B |
--2型六角開槽螺母 細牙 A 級和B 級UDC 621.882.3 | GB 9458-88 |Hexagon slotted and castle nuts, style 2-fine pitch thread, product grades A and B |
--六角開槽薄螺母 細牙 A 和B 級UDC 621.882.3 | GB 9459-88 | 代替 GB59-76, 60-76Hexagon thin slotted nuts -fine pitch thread, Product grades A and B |
--焊接方螺母GB /T 13680-92 |Square weld nuts |
--焊接六角法蘭面螺母ISO 21670:2014 | GB /T 13681.2-2017 | 代替 GB/T 13681.2-2010Hexagon weld nuts with flange |
--平頭鉚螺母GB /T 17880.1-1999 |Flat head riveted nuts |
--沉頭鉚螺母GB /T 17880.2-1999 |Countersunk head riveted nuts |
--小沉頭鉚螺母GB /T 17880.3-1999 |Small countersunk head riveted nuts |
--120°小沉頭鉚螺母GB /T 17880.4-1999 |120°Small countersunk head riveted nuts |
--平頭六角鉚螺母GB /T 17880.5-1999 |Flat head hexagon riveted nuts |
--精密機械用六角螺母ISO 4166:1979 | GB /T 18195-2000 |Hexagon nuts for fine machanics |
--普通型鋼絲螺套GB /T 24425.1-2009 |General type wire thread inserts |
--鎖緊型鋼絲螺套GB /T 24425.3-2009 |Prevailing torque type wire thread inserts |
--鎖緊型盲孔用鋼絲螺套GB /T 24425.4-2009 |Prevailing torque type wire thread inserts for blind hole |
--吊環(huán)螺母GB /T 7382-94 |Eye nuts |
--開槽沉頭螺釘ISO 2009:2011 | GB /T 68-2016 | 代替 GB/T 68-2000Slotted countersunk flat head screws |
--開槽半沉頭螺釘GB /T 69-2016 |Countersunk slotted raised head screws (common head style) |
--內(nèi)六角圓柱頭螺釘ISO 4762:2004 | GB /T 70.1-2008 | 代替 GB/T 70.1-2000Hexagon socket head cap screws |
--內(nèi)六角平圓頭螺釘ISO 7380-1:2011 | GB /T 70.2-2015 | 代替 GB/T 70.2-2008Hexagon socket button head screws |
--內(nèi)六角沉頭螺釘ISO 10642:2004 | GB /T 70.3-2008 | 代替 GB/T 70.3-2000Hexagon socket countersunk head screws |
--內(nèi)六角平圓頭凸緣螺釘ISO 7380-2:2011 | GB /T 70.4-2015 |Hexagon socket button head screws with collar |
--開槽錐端緊定螺釘ISO 7434:1983 | GB /T 71-2018 | 代替 GB/T 71-1985Slotted set screws with cone point |
--開槽錐端定位螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 72-88 | 代替 GB72-76Slotted setscrews with cone point |
--開槽平端緊定螺釘ISO 4766:2011 | GB /T 73-2017 | 代替 GB/T 73-1985Slotted set screws with flat point |
--開槽凹端緊定螺釘ISO 7436:1983 | GB /T 74-2018 | 代替 GB/T 74-1985Slotted set screws with cup point |
--開槽長圓柱端緊定螺釘ISO 7435:1983 | GB /T 75-2018 | 代替 GB/T 75-1985Slotted set screws with long dog point |
--內(nèi)六角平端緊定螺釘ISO 4026:2003 | GB /T 77-2007 | 代替 GB/T 77-2000Hexagon socket set screws with flat point |
--內(nèi)六角錐端緊定螺釘ISO 4027:2003 | GB /T 78-2007 | 代替 GB/T 78-2000Hexagon socket set screws with cone point |
--內(nèi)六角圓柱端緊定螺釘ISO 4028:2003 | GB /T 79-2007 | 代替 GB/T 79-2000Hexagon socket set screws with dog point |
--內(nèi)六角凹端緊定螺釘ISO 4029:2003 | GB /T 80-2007 | 代替 GB/T 80-2000Hexagon socket set screws with cup point |
--方頭長圓柱球面端緊定螺釘GB /T 83-2018 | 代替 GB/T 83-1988Square set screws with long dog point and rounded end |
--方頭凹端緊定螺釘GB /T 84-2018 | 代替 GB/T 84-1988Square set screws with cup point |
--方頭長圓柱端緊定螺釘GB /T 85-2018 | 代替 GB/T 85-1988Square set screws with long dog point |
--方頭短圓柱錐端緊定螺釘GB /T 86-2018 | 代替 GB/T 86-1988square set screws with short dog point and cone end |
--十字槽盤頭螺釘ISO 7045:2011 | GB /T 818-2016 | 代替 GB/T 818-2000Pan head screws with cross recess |
--十字槽沉頭螺釘 ******部分4.8級ISO 7046-1:2011 | GB /T 819.1-2016 | 代替 GB/T 819.1-2000Countersunk flat head screws with cross recess-Part 1:Property class 4.8 |
--十字槽沉頭螺釘 第二部分 8.8級,不銹鋼及有色金屬螺釘ISO 7046-2:2011 | GB /T 819.2-2016 | 代替 GB/T 819.2-1997Countersunk flat head screws with cross recess- Part 2: Property class 8.8, stainless steel screws and non ferrous metal screws |
--十字槽半沉頭螺釘ISO 7047:2011 | GB /T 820-2015 | 代替 GB/T 820-2000Raised countersunk head screws with cross recess |
--方頭平端緊定螺釘GB /T 821-2018 | 代替 GB/T 821-1988Square set screws with chamfered end |
--開槽盤頭定位螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 828-88 | 代替 GB828-76Slotted pan head set setscrews with dog point |
--開槽圓柱端定位螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 829-88 | 代替 GB829-76Slotted setscrews with dog point |
--開槽圓柱頭軸位螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 830-88 | 代替 GB830-76Slotted cheese head screws with shoulder |
--開槽無頭軸位螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 831-88 | 代替 GB831-76Slotted shoulder screws |
--開槽帶孔球面圓柱頭螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 832-88 | 代替 GB832-76Slotted capstan screws |
--開槽大圓柱頭螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 833-88 | 代替 GB833-76Slotted large cheese head screws |
--滾花高頭螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 834-88 | 代替 GB834-76knurled thumb screws |
--滾花平頭螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 835-88 | 代替 GB835-76Knurled screws |
--開槽盤頭不脫出螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 837-88 | 代替 GB837-76Slotted pan head screws with waisted shank |
--六角頭不脫出螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 838-88 | 代替 GB838-76Hexagon screws with waisted shank |
--滾花頭不脫出螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 839-88 | 代替 GB839-76Knurled thumb screws with waisted shank |
--塑料滾花頭螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 840-88 | 代替 GB840-79Plastic diamond knurl head screws |
--開槽無頭螺釘UDC 2342:2003 | GB /T 878-2007 | 代替 GB/T 878-1986Slotted headless screws with shank |
--開槽球面圓柱頭軸位螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 946-88 | 代替 GB946-76Slotted raised cheese head with shoulder |
--開槽球面大圓柱頭螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 947-88 | 代替 GB947-76Slotted large raised cheese head screws |
--開槽沉頭不脫出螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 948-88 | 代替 GB948-76Slotted countersunk head screws with waisted shank |
--開槽半沉頭不脫出螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 949-88 | 代替 GB949-76Slotted raised countersunk head screws with waisted shank |
--內(nèi)六角花形低圓柱頭螺釘UDC 14580:2011 | GB /T 2671.1-2017 | 代替 GB/T 2671.1-2004Hexalobular socket cheese(short) head screws |
--內(nèi)六角花形圓柱頭螺釘ISO 14579:2011 | GB /T 2761.2-2017 | 代替 GB/T 2761.2-2004Hexalobular socket head cap screws |
--內(nèi)六角花形盤頭螺釘ISO 14583:2011 | GB /T 2672-2017 | 代替 GB/T 2672-2004Hexalobular socket pan head screws |
--內(nèi)六角花形沉頭螺釘ISO 14581:2013 | GB /T 2673.1-2018 | 代替 GB/T 2673-2007Hexalobular socket countersunk flat head screws |
--內(nèi)六角花形半沉頭螺釘ISO 14584:2011 | GB /T 2674-2017 | 代替 GB/T 2674-2004Hexalobular socket raised countersunk head screws |
--內(nèi)六角圓柱頭軸肩螺釘UDC 621.882.215.6 | GB 5281-85 |Hexagon socket head shoulder screws |
--精密機械用緊固件十字槽螺釘GB /T 13806.1-92 |Fasteners for fine mechanics-Cross recessed screws |
--平頭環(huán)槽釘GB /T 6361.1-92 |Panhead ring groove nails |
--沉頭環(huán)槽釘GB 6361.2-92 |Countersunk ring groove nails |
--平頭螺旋槽釘GB /T 6361.3-92 |Flat Head Spiral Grooved Nail |
--沉頭螺旋槽釘GB /T 6361.4-92 |Countersunk Spiral Grooved Nail |
--開槽圓頭木螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 99-86 | 代替 GB99-76Slotted round head wood screws |
--開槽沉頭木螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 100-86 | 代替 GB100-76Slotted countersunk head wood screws |
--開槽半沉頭木螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 101-86 | 代替 GB101-76Slotted raised countersunk head wood screws |
--六角頭木螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 102-86 | 代替 GB102-76Hexagon head wood screws |
--十字槽圓頭木螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 950-86 | 代替 GB950-76Cross recessed round head wood screws |
--十字槽沉頭木螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 951-86 | 代替 GB951-76Cross recessed countersunk head wood screws |
--十字槽半沉頭木螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 952-86 | 代替 GB952-76Cross recessed raised countersunk head wood screws |
--十字槽盤頭自攻螺釘ISO 7049:2011 | GB /T 845-2017 | 代替 GB/T 845-1985Cross-recessed pan head tapping screws |
--十字槽沉頭自攻螺釘ISO 7050:2011 | GB /T 846-2017 | 代替 GB/T 846-1985Cross-recessed countersunk (flat) head tapping screws |
--十字槽半沉頭自攻螺釘ISO 7051:2011 | GB /T 847-2017 | 代替 GB/T 847-1985Cross recessed raised countersunk(oval) head tapping screws |
--內(nèi)六角花形盤頭自攻螺釘ISO 14585:2011 | GB /T 2670.1-2017 | 代替 GB/T 2670.1-2004Hexalobular socket pan head tapping screws |
--內(nèi)六角花形沉頭自攻螺釘ISO 14586:2011 | GB /T 2670.2-2017 | 代替 GB/T 2670.2-2004Hexalobular socket countersunk head tapping screws |
--內(nèi)六角花形半沉頭自攻螺釘ISO 14587:2011 | GB /T 2670.3-2017 | 代替 GB/T 2670.3-2004Hexalobular socket raised countersunk(oval) head tapping screws |
--開槽盤頭自攻螺釘ISO 1481:2011 | GB /T 5282-2017 | 代替 GB/T 5282-1985Slotted pan head tapping screws |
--開槽沉頭自攻螺釘ISO 1482:2011 | GB /T 5283-2017 | 代替 GB/T 5283-1985Slotted countersunk flat head tapping screws |
--開槽半沉頭自攻螺釘ISO 1483:2011 | GB /T 5284-2017 | 代替 GB/T 5284-1985Slotted raised countersunk(oval) head tapping screws |
--六角頭自攻螺釘ISO 1479:2011 | GB /T 5285-2017 | 代替 GB/T 5285-1985Hexagon head tapping screws |
--十字槽盤頭自擠螺釘GB /T 6560-2014 | 代替 GB/T 6560-1986Cross recessed pan head thread rolling screws |
--十字槽沉頭自擠螺釘GB /T 6561-2014 | 代替 GB/T 6561-1986Cross recessed countersunk head thread rolling screws |
--十字槽半沉頭自擠螺釘GB /T 6562-2014 | 代替 GB/T 6562-1986Cross recessed raised countersunk head thread rolling screws |
--六角頭自擠螺釘GB /T 6563-2014 | 代替 GB/T 6563-1986Hexagon head thread rolling screws |
--內(nèi)六角花形圓柱頭自擠螺釘GB /T 6564.1-2014 | 代替 GB/T 6564.1-1986Hexalobular socket head cap thread rolling screws |
--十字槽凹穴六角頭自攻螺釘UDC 621.882.2 | GB 9456-88 |Cross recessed hexagon head tapping screws with indentation |
--精密機械用緊固件十字槽自攻螺釘 刮削端GB /T 13806.2-92 |Fasteners for fine mechanics- Cross recessed tapping screws -Crape point |
--墻板自攻螺釘GB /T 14210-93 |Dry wall screws |
--十字槽盤頭自鉆自攻螺釘ISO 15481:1999 | GB /T 15856.1-2002 | 代替 GB/T 15856.1-1995Cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw thread |
--十字槽沉頭自鉆自攻螺釘GB /T 15856-2002 | 代替 GB/T 15856-1995Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread |
--十字槽半沉頭自鉆自攻螺釘GB /T 15856.3-2002 | 代替 GB/T 15856.3-1995Cross recessed raised countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread |
--六角法蘭面自鉆自攻螺釘GB /T 15856.4-2002 | 代替 GB/T 15856.4-1995Hexagon flange head drilling screws with tapping screw thread |
--六角凸緣自鉆自攻螺釘ISO 15480:1999 | GB /T 15856.5-2002 |Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screw thread |
--六角凸緣自攻螺釘ISO 7053:2011 | GB /T 16824.1-2016 | 代替 GB/T 16824.1-1997Hexagon washer head tapping screws |
--六角法蘭面自攻螺釘ISO 10509:2012 | GB /T 16824.2-2016 | 代替 GB/T 16824.2-1997Hexagon flange head tapping screws |
--標(biāo)準(zhǔn)型彈簧墊圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 93-87 | 代替 GB93-76Single coil spring lock washer, Normal type |
--平墊圈C級ISO 7091:2000 | GB /T 95-2002 | 代替 GB/T 95-1985Plain washers - Product grade C |
--大墊圈A級ISO 7093-1:2000 | GB /T 96.1-2002 | 代替 GB/T 96-1985Plain washer - Large series -Product grade A |
--大墊圈C級ISO 7093-2:2000 | GB /T 96.2-2002 | 代替 GB/T 96-21985Plain washer - Large series -Product grade C |
--平墊圈A級ISO 7089:2000 | GB /T 97.1-2002 | 代替 GB/T 97.1-1985Plain washers -Product grade A |
--平墊圈-倒角型-A級ISO 7090:2000 | GB /T 97.2-2002 | 代替 GB/T 97.2-1985Plain washer - Chamfered -Product grade A |
--銷軸用平墊圈ISO 8738:1986 | GB /T 97.3-2000 |Plain washers for clevis pins |
--平墊圈 用于螺釘和墊圈組合件ISO 10673:1998 | GB /T 97.4-2002 | 代替 GB/T 9074.24-1988, 9074.25-1988Plain washers for screw and washer assemblies |
--平墊圈 用于自攻螺釘和墊圈組合件ISO 10669:1999 | GB /T 97.5-2002 | 代替 GB/T 9074.29-1988, 9074.30-1988Plain washers for tapping screw and washer assemblies |
--小墊圈 A級ISO 7092:2000 | GB /T 848-2002 | 代替 GB/T 848-1985Plain washer - Small series -Product grade A |
--外齒鎖緊墊圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 862.1-87 | 代替 GB862-76Lock washers external teeth |
--外鋸齒鎖緊墊圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 862.2-87 |Serrated lock washers external teeth |
--波形彈性墊圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 955-87 | 代替 GB955-76Wave spring washers |
--錐形鎖緊墊圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 956.1-87 | 代替 GB956-76Countersunk external toothed lock washers |
--錐形鋸齒鎖緊墊圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 956.2-87 |Countersunk serrated external toothed lock washers |
--錐形彈性墊圈GB /T 956.3-2017 |Conical spring washers |
--特大墊圈 C級ISO 7094:2000 | GB /T 5287-2002 | 代替 GB/T 5287-1985Plain washer - Extra large series -Product grade C |
--重型彈簧墊圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 7244-87 |Single coil spring lock washer, Heavy type |
--鞍形彈簧墊圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 7245-87 |Curved single coil spring washers |
--波形彈簧墊圈UDC 621.882.4 | GB 7246-87 |Wave single coil spring lock washers |
--開口銷ISO 1234:1997 | GB /T 91-2000 | 代替 GB/T 91-1986Split pins |
--圓錐銷ISO 2339:1986 | GB /T 117-2000 | 代替 GB/T 117-1986Taper pins |
--內(nèi)螺紋圓錐銷ISO 8736:1986 | GB /T 118-2000 | 代替 GB/T 118-1986Taper pins with internal thread |
--圓柱銷不淬硬鋼和奧氏體不銹鋼ISO 2338:1997 | GB /T 119.1-2000 | 代替 GB/T 119-1986Parallel pins of unhardened steel and austenitic stainless steel |
--圓柱銷 淬硬鋼和馬氏體不銹鋼ISO 8734:1997 | GB /T 119.2-2000 | 代替 GB/T 119-1986Parallel pins, of hardened steel and martensitic stainless steel(Dowel pins) |
--內(nèi)螺紋圓柱銷 不淬硬鋼和奧氏體不銹鋼ISO 8733:1997 | GB /T 120.1-2000 | 代替 GB/T 120-1986Parallel pins, of hardened steel and austenitic stainless steel |
--內(nèi)螺紋圓柱銷 淬硬鋼和奧氏體不銹鋼ISO 8735:1997 | GB /T 120.2-2000 | 代替 GB/T 120-1986Parallel pins with internal thread, of hardened steel and martensitic stainless steel |
--開尾圓柱銷UDC 621.886 | GB 877-86 | 代替 GB877-76Taper pins with split |
--彈性圓柱銷 直槽 重型ISO 8752:2009 | GB /T 879.1-2018 | 代替 GB/T 879.1-2000Spring type straight pins - Slotted-Heavy duty |
--彈性圓柱銷 直槽 輕型ISO 13337:2009 | GB /T 879.2-2018 | 代替 GB/T 879.2-2000Spring type straight pins - Slotted- Light duty |
--彈性圓柱銷 卷制 重型ISO 8748:2007 | GB /T 879.3-2018 | 代替 GB/T 879.3-2000Spring type straight pins - Coiled- Heavy duty |
--彈性圓柱銷 卷制 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)型ISO 8750:2007 | GB /T 879.4-2018 | 代替 GB/T 879.4-2000Spring type straight pins - Coiled- Standard duty |
--彈性圓柱銷 卷制 輕型ISO 8751:2001 | GB /T 879.5-2018 | 代替 GB/T 879.5-2000Spring type straight pins - Coiled- Light duty |
--無頭銷軸ISO 2340:1986 | GB /T 880-2008 | 代替 GB/T 880-1986Clevis pins without head |
--螺尾錐銷ISO 8737:1986 | GB /T 881-2000 | 代替 GB/T 881-1986Taper pins with external thread |
--銷軸ISO 2341:1986 | GB /T 882-2008 | 代替 GB/T 882-1986Clevis pins with head |
--槽銷 帶導(dǎo)桿及全長平行溝槽ISO 8739:1997 | GB /T 13829.1-2004 | 代替 GB/T 13829.1-1992 A型Grooved pins- Full length parallel grooved, with pilot |
--槽銷 帶倒角及全長平行溝槽ISO 8740:1997 | GB /T 13829.2-2004 | 代替 GB/T 13829.1-1992 B型Grooved pins- full length parallel grooved, with chamfer |
--槽銷 中部槽長為1/3全長ISO 8742:1997 | GB /T 13829.3-2004 | 代替 GB/T 13829.1-1992 C型Grooved pins- one- third - length centre grooved |
--槽銷 中部槽長為1/2全長ISO 8743:1997 | GB /T 13829.4-2004 | 代替 GB/T 13829.1-1992 D型Grooved pins- Half - length centre grooved |
--槽銷 全長錐槽ISO 8744:1997 | GB /T 13829.5-2004 | 代替 GB/T 13829.2-1992 A型Grooved pins- full-length taper grooved |
--槽銷 半長錐槽ISO 8745:1997 | GB /T 13829.6-2004 | 代替 GB/T 13829.2-1992 B型Grooved pins- Half - length taper grooved |
--槽銷 半長倒錐槽ISO 8741:1997 | GB /T 13829.7-2004 | 代替 GB/T 13829.2-1992 C型Grooved pins- Half - length reverse-taper grooved |
--圓頭槽銷ISO 8746:1997 | GB /T 13829.8-2004 | 代替 GB/T 13829.3-1992 A型grooved pins with round head |
--沉頭槽銷ISO 8747:1997 | GB /T 13829.9-2004 | 代替 GB/T 13829.3-1992 B型grooved pins with countersunk head |
--平頭鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 109-86 | 代替 GB109-76Flat head rivets |
--標(biāo)牌鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 827-86 | 代替 GB827-76Rivets for name plate |
--標(biāo)牌鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 827-86 | 代替 GB827-76Rivets for name plate |
--半圓頭鉚釘(粗制)UDC 621.884 | GB 863.1-86 | 代替 GB863-76Round head rivets -Black |
--小半圓頭鉚釘(粗制)UDC 621.884 | GB 863.2-86 |Round head rivets with small head - Black |
--平錐頭鉚釘(粗制)UDC 621.884 | GB 864-86 | 代替 GB864-76Cone head rivets - Black |
--沉頭鉚釘(粗制)UDC 621.884 | GB 865-86 | 代替 GB865-76Countersunk head rivets - Black |
--半沉頭鉚釘(粗制)UDC 621.884 | GB 866-86 | 代替 GB866-76Oval countersunk head rivets - Black |
--半圓頭鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 867-86 | 代替 GB867-76Round head rivets |
--平錐頭鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 868-86 | 代替 GB868-76Cone head rivets |
--沉頭鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 869-86 | 代替 GB869-76Countersunk head rivets |
--半沉頭鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 870-86 | 代替 GB870-76Oval countersunk head rivets |
--扁圓頭鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 871-86 | 代替 GB871-76Flat round head rivets |
--扁平頭鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 872-86 | 代替 GB872-76Thin head rivets |
--扁圓頭半空心鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 873-86 | 代替 GB873-76Oval head semi-tubular rivets |
--120°沉頭半空心鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 874-86 | 代替 GB874-76120 degree countersunk head semi-tubular rivets |
--扁平頭半空心鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 875-86 | 代替 GB875-76Thin head semi-tubular rivets |
--空心鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 876-86 | 代替 GB876-76Tubular rivets |
--120°沉頭鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 954-86 | 代替 GB954-76120 degree countersunk head rivets |
--大扁圓頭鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 1011-86 | 代替 GB1011-76Truss head rivets |
--120°半沉頭鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 1012-86 | 代替 GB1012-76120 degree oval countersunk rivets |
--平錐頭半空心鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 1013-86 | 代替 GB1013-76Cone head semi-tubular rivets |
--大扁圓頭半空心鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 1014-86 | 代替 GB1014-76Truss head semi-tubular rivets |
--沉頭半空心鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 1015-86 | 代替 GB1015-76Countersunk head semi-tubular rivets |
--無頭鉚釘UDC 621.884 | GB 1016-86 | 代替 GB1016-76Headless rivets |
--扁圓頭擊芯鉚釘GB T 15855.1-1995 |Flat round head drive rivets |
--沉頭擊芯鉚釘GB T 15855.2-1995 |Countersunk head drive rivets |
--封閉型平圓頭抽芯鉚釘 11級ISO 15973:2002 | GB T 12615.1-2004 | 代替 GBT 12615-1990Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head-Property class 11 |
--封閉型平圓頭抽芯鉚釘 30級ISO 15976:2002 | GB T 12615.2-2004 | 代替 GBT 12615-1990Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head-Property class 30 |
--封閉型平圓頭抽芯鉚釘 06級ISO 15975:2002 | GB T 12615.3-2004 | 代替 GBT 12615-1990Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head-Property class 06 |
--封閉型平圓頭抽芯鉚釘 51級ISO 16585:2002 | GB T 12615.4-2004 | 代替 GBT 12615-1990Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head-Property class 51 |
--封閉型沉頭抽芯鉚釘 11級ISO 15974:2000 | GB T 12616.1-2004 | 代替 GBT 12616-1990Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head-Property class 11 |
--開口型沉頭抽芯鉚釘 10、11級ISO 15978:2002 | GB T 12617.1-2006 | 代替 GBT 12617-1990Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head-Property class 10,11 |
--開口型沉頭抽芯鉚釘 30級ISO 15980:2002 | GB T 12617.2-2006 | 代替 GBT 12617-1990Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head-Property class 30 |
--開口型沉頭抽芯鉚釘 12級ISO 15982:2002 | GB T 12617.3-2006 | 代替 GBT 12617-1990Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head-Property class 12 |
--開口型沉頭抽芯鉚釘 51級ISO 15984:2002 | GB T 12617.4-2006 | 代替 GBT 12617-1990Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head-Property class 51 |
--開口型沉頭抽芯鉚釘 20、21、22級ISO 16583:2002 | GB T 12617.5-2006 | 代替 GBT 12617-1990Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head-Property class 20,21,22 |
--開口型平圓頭抽芯鉚釘 10、11級ISO 15977:2002 | GB T 12618.1-2006 | 代替 GBT 12618-1990Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head-Property class 10,11 |
--開口型平圓頭抽芯鉚釘 30級ISO 15979:2002 | GB T 12618.2-2006 | 代替 GBT 12618-1990Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head-Property class 30 |
--開口型平圓頭抽芯鉚釘 12級ISO 15981:2002 | GB T 12618.3-2006 | 代替 GBT 12618-1990Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head-Property class 12 |
--開口型平圓頭抽芯鉚釘 51級ISO 15983:2002 | GB T 12618.4-2006 | 代替 GBT 12618-1990Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head-Property class 51 |
--開口型平圓頭抽芯鉚釘 20、21、22級ISO 16582:2002 | GB T 12618.5-2006 | 代替 GBT 12618-1990Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head-Property class 20,21,22 |
--開口型平圓頭抽芯鉚釘 40、41級ISO 16584:2002 | GB T 12618.6-2006 | 代替 GBT 12618-1990Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head-Property class 40,41 |
--錐銷鎖緊擋圈UDC 621.885 | GB 883-86 | 代替 GB883-76Lock rings with cone pin |
--螺釘鎖緊擋圈UDC 621.885 | GB 884-86 | 代替 GB884-76Lock ring with screw |
--帶鎖圈的螺釘鎖緊擋圈UDC 621.885 | GB 885-86 | 代替 GB885-76Lock rings with screw and circlip |
--軸肩擋圈UDC 621.885 | GB 886-86 | 代替 GB886-76Rings for shoulder |
--螺釘緊固軸端擋圈UDC 621.885 | GB 891-86 | 代替 GB891-76Lock rings at the end of shaft with screw |
--螺栓緊固軸端擋圈UDC 621.885 | GB 892-86 | 代替 GB892-76Lock rings at the end of shaft with bolt |
--孔用彈性擋圈GB T 893-2017 | 代替 GBT 893.1-1986, T893.2-1986Retaining rings for bores |
--軸用彈性擋圈GB T 894-2017 | 代替 GBT 894.1-1986, T 894.2-1986Retaining rings for shaft |
--孔用鋼絲擋圈UDC 621.885 | GB 895.1-86 | 代替 GB895-76Roundwire snap rings for hole |
--軸用鋼絲擋圈UDC 621.885 | GB 895.2-86 | 代替 GB895-76Roundwire snap rings for shaft |
--開口擋圈UDC 621.885 | GB 896-86 | 代替 GB896-76"E" rings |
--鋼絲鎖圈UDC 621.885 | GB 921-86 | 代替 GB921-76Round wire circlips |
--夾緊擋圈UDC 621.885 | GB 960-86 | 代替 GB960-76Grip rings |
緊固件 - 組合件以及銜接副
--鋼結(jié)構(gòu)用高強度大六角頭螺栓ISO 7412:1984 | GB T 1228-2006 | 代替 GBT 1228-1991High strength bolts with large hexagon head for steel structures |
--鋼結(jié)構(gòu)用高強度大六角螺母ISO 4775:1984 | GB T 1229-2006 | 代替 GBT 1229-1991High strength large hexagon nuts for steel structures |
--鋼結(jié)構(gòu)用高強度墊圈ISO 7416:1984 | GB T 1230-2006 | 代替 GBT 1230-1991High strength plain washers for steel structures |
--鋼結(jié)構(gòu)用高強度大六角頭螺栓、大六角螺母、墊圈技術(shù)條件GB T 1231-2006 | 代替 GBT 1231-1991Specifications of high strength bolts with large hexagon head, large hexagon nuts, plain washers for steel structures |
--鋼結(jié)構(gòu)用扭剪型高強度螺栓連接副GB T 3632-2008 | 代替 GBT 3632~3633-1995Sets of torshear type high strength bolt hexagon nut and plain washer for steel structures |
--螺栓或螺釘和平墊圈組合件ISO 10644:2009 | GB T 9074.1-2018 | 代替 GBT 9074.1-2002Bolt or screw and washer assemblies with plain wahsers |
--螺栓或螺釘和平墊圈組合件ISO 10644:2009 | GB T 9074.1-2018 | 代替 GBT 9074.1-2002Bolt or screw and washer assemblies with plain wahsers |
--十字槽盤頭螺釘和外鋸齒鎖緊墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.2-88 |Cross recessed pan head screw and serrated lock washer external teeth assemblies |
--十字槽盤頭螺釘和彈簧墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.3-88 |Cross recessed pan head screw and single coll spring lock washer assemblies |
--十字槽盤頭螺釘、彈簧墊圈和平墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.4-88 |Cross recessed pan head screw, single coll spring lock washer and plain washer assemblies |
--十字槽小盤頭螺釘和平墊圈組合件GB T 9074.5-2004 | 代替 GBT 9074.5-1988, T 9074.6-1988Cross recessed small pan head screw and washer assemblies with plain washers |
--十字槽小盤頭螺釘和彈簧墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.7-88 |Cross recessed small pan head screw and single coll spring lock washer assemblies |
--十字槽小盤頭螺釘、彈簧墊圈和平墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.8-88 |Cross recessed small pan head screw, single coil spring lock washer and plain washer assemblies |
--十字槽沉頭螺釘和錐形鎖緊墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.9-88 |Cross recessed countersunk head screw and countersunk serrated external toothed lock washer assemblies |
--十字槽半沉頭螺釘和錐形鎖緊墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.10-88 |Cross recessed raised countersunk head screw and countersunk external toothed lock washer assemblies |
--十字槽凹穴六角頭螺栓和平墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.11-88 |Cross recessed hexagon bolt with indentation and plain washer assemblies |
--十字槽凹穴六角頭螺栓和彈簧墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.12-88 |Cross recessed hexagon bolt with indentation and single coil spring lock washer assemblies |
--十字槽凹穴六角頭螺栓、彈簧墊圈和平墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.13-88 |Cross recessed hexagon bolt with indentation, single coil lock washer and plain washer assemblies |
--六角頭螺栓和彈簧墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.15-88 |Hexagon head bolt and single coil spring lock washer assemblies |
--六角頭螺栓和外鋸齒鎖緊墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.16-88 |Hexagon head bolt and serrated lock washer external teeth assemblies |
--六角頭螺栓、彈簧墊圈和平墊圈組合件UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.17-88 |Hexagon head bolt, single coil spring lock washer and plain washer assemblies |
--自攻螺釘和平墊圈組合件ISO 10510:2011 | GB T 9074.18-2017 | 代替 GBT 9074.18-2002Tapping screw and washer assemblies with plain washers |
--十字槽凹穴六角頭自攻螺釘和平墊圈組合件GB T 9074.20-2004 | 代替 GBT 9074.20-1988, T 9074.21-1988Cross recessed hexagon head tapping screw with indentation and washer assemblies with plain washers |
--組合件用彈簧墊圈UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.26-88 |Single coil spring lock washer for assembly |
--組合件用外鋸齒鎖緊墊圈UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.27-88 |Serrated lock washer external teeth for assembly |
--組合件用錐形鎖緊墊圈UDC 621.882 | GB 9074.28-88 |Lountersunk external toothed lock washer for assembly |
--組合件用錐形彈性墊圈GB T 9074.31-2017 |Conical spring washers for assemblies |
--螺栓或螺釘和錐形彈性墊圈組合件GB T 9074.32-2017 |Bolt or screw and washer assemblies with conical spring washers |
--腰狀桿螺柱連接副型式分類GB T 13807.1-2008 | 代替 GBT 13807.1-1992Connections with waisted stud-Tape classification |
--腰狀桿螺柱連接副螺柱GB T 13807.2-2008 | 代替 GBT 13807.2-1992Connections with waisted stud-Studs |
--腰狀桿螺柱連接副螺母、受力套管GB T 13807.3-2008 | 代替 GBT 13807.3-1992Connections with waisted stud-Nuts, extension sleeves |
--混凝土用膨脹型錨栓 型式與尺寸GB T 22795-2008 |Expansion anchors for use in concrete - Type and dimension |
--預(yù)載荷高強度栓接結(jié)構(gòu)連接副 第1部分:通用要求GB T 32076.1-2015 |High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading - Part 1:General requirements |
--預(yù)載荷高強度栓接結(jié)構(gòu)連接副 第2部分:預(yù)載荷適應(yīng)性GB T 32076.2-2015 |High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading - Part 2:Suitability for preloading |
--預(yù)載荷高強度栓接結(jié)構(gòu)連接副 第3部分:HR 型 大六角頭螺栓和螺母連接副GB T 32076.3-2015 |High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading - Part 3:System HR - Hexagon bolt with large width across flats and nut assemblies |
--預(yù)載荷高強度栓接結(jié)構(gòu)連接副 第4部分:HV 型 大六角頭螺栓和螺母連接副GB T 32076.4-2015 |High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading - Part 4:System HV - Hexagon bolt with large width across flats and nut assemblies |
--預(yù)載荷高強度栓接結(jié)構(gòu)連接副 第5部分:平墊圈GB T 32076.5-2015 |High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading - Part 5:Plain washers |
--預(yù)載荷高強度栓接結(jié)構(gòu)連接副 第6部分:倒角平墊圈GB T 32076.6-2015 |High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading - Part 6:Plain chamfered washers |
--預(yù)載荷高強度栓接結(jié)構(gòu)連接副 第7部分:M39~M64 大六角頭螺栓和螺母連接副GB T 32076.7-2015 |High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading - Part 7: M39~M64-Hexagon bolt with large width across flats and nut assemblies |
--預(yù)載荷高強度栓接結(jié)構(gòu)連接副 第8部分:扭剪型圓頭螺栓和螺母連接副GB T 32076.8-2017 |High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading - Part 8:Torshear type bolt with cup head, and nut assemblies |
--預(yù)載荷高強度栓接結(jié)構(gòu)連接副 第9部分:扭剪型大六角頭螺栓和螺母連接副GB T 32076.9-2017 |High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading - Part 9:Torshear type bolt with hexagon head with large width across flats,and nut assemblies |
--鋼結(jié)構(gòu)用高強度錨栓連接副GB T 33943-2017 |High-strength structural anchor bolting assemblies for steel structures |
--電弧螺柱焊用無頭焊釘ISO 13918:2008 | GB T 10432.1-2010 |Unthreaded studs for drawn arc stud welding with ceramic ferrule |
--短周期電弧螺柱焊用無頭焊釘ISO 13918:2008 | GB T 10432.2-2016 |Unthreaded stud for short - cycle drawn arc stud welding |
--儲能焊用無頭焊釘ISO 13918:2008 | GB T 10432.3-2010 |Unthreaded studs for capacitor discharge welding |
--電弧螺柱焊用圓柱頭焊釘GB T 10433-2002 | 代替 GBT 10433-1989Cheese head studs for arc stud welding |
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